Title insurance is our way of delivering peace of mind.

Title insurance insures real estate purchasers and others who are interested in protecting against financial loss caused by covered title risks. Such risks can include any undisclosed restrictions, liens or other types of claims against a property.
When this service is requested for a property, Security Preferred Title performs an examination of public records and issues a policy that states the current condition of the title and assures the accuracy of those findings. This means you can have peace of mind that every potential obstacle of a clear title has been brought to your attention, and that if you have a loss resulting from a covered title risk, you will be paid by the policy.

Our Services


Security Preferred Title
is the only title agency in Ward
County, Texas, serving
landmen with the
convenience of all-digital
database technology.



Our database
technology and
dedication to
delivering title
commitments on time
will put you at ease.



We are here to work with you on every step of your
new financing and refinancing transactions.